
Provide students with experiences that complement academic programs, support student retention, and increase student engagement with the campus community.


Director of Student Organizations and Engagement


  • Office of Student Life Staff

Linkages with Other Plays:

  • 机构技术 - Play 4
  • 住宅订婚 - Play 14


  • P-13a: Introduce students to college life by offering programs that engage students in various areas.


  1. Development of campus engagement events and number of campus engagement events (calendar of events, define event type: physical, 知识, 文化, wellness: emotional/mental, 专业, 社会, 和金融)
  2. Method of communicating event (marketing/communication plan)
  3. Number of times event communicated to students (frequency of communications and methods/platforms)
  4. List of students attending events (Presence student participation reports)

This structured approach ensures that students are provided with enriching experiences that complement their academic journey, 支持保留, and enhance their engagement with the campus community.