



德克萨斯南方大学致力于学生的成功! In line with our mission to collaborate with the campus community on academic and student success initiatives, the T-Claw导航360 platform offers comprehensive support to help students stay on track through personalized advising, 调度, 和沟通. 通过利用数据预测和支持学生的成功, the platform tracks attendance and alerts advisors when additional help may be needed.

Developed by the Education Advisory Board (EAB) and branded by TSU as Tigers Collaboratively Learning and Actively Working (T-Claw), Navigate360结合了企业级技术, 最佳实践研究, 预测分析. This powerful tool helps TSU effectively manage advising and academic support resources, 提高坚持率,提高毕业成绩.

教职员工, 尤其是学术顾问, 是否鼓励经常使用T-Claw导航360. 该平台使他们能够安排约会, 文档详细信息, 发送学术信息, 主动推荐校园资源, 还有更多. 使用T-Claw导航360, 我们可以确保每个学生都能得到他们成功所需的支持!



T-Claw导航360 has made staying on top of the things you need to do and making the important decisions of college easier. 这是通往毕业之路的终极指南——并在这条道路上走下去.

  1. 获得循序渐进的指导 T-Claw导航360 is a free mobile app that will help you thrive at 德克萨斯南方大学. It can help students at all levels, whether you are just getting started or nearing graduation. 它是你自己的私人顾问,就在你的手心.

  2. 知道什么时候有重要的事情发生: 从参加新生培训到准备期末考试, 现在你需要做的事情有了一个明确的时间表. Within each task, T-Claw connects you to the links and resources you need to get things done. 你也可以添加自己的待办事项.

  3. 找到合适的人选: My Major connects your interests and goals to the right major at the college—fill out a short survey and T-Claw导航360 takes it from there!

  4. 联系你需要的支持-更快:有问题或遇到问题? 资源将你推荐给你指定的支持网络,而 任命 让你和能帮你的人视频聊天. 最重要的是,约会会同步到你手机的日历上.

  5. 走在任何路障前面: Unpaid parking tickets and overdue library books could keep you from signing up for next semester’s classes. Get notified when you have a hold on your account and resolve them directly in the Holds Center.



从你的移动设备, open your app store and search for “Navigate Student” – or if you're already on your mobile device, 选择下面的快捷方式. Once installed, open the app, search for “德克萨斯南方大学" and select. 使用你的大学用户名和密码登录.


教师访问 & Staff 

Faculty & Staff access to T-Claw导航 is derived directly from the Student Information System (SIS) Banner access, 根据批准的TSU角色和职责. 不是所有的教员 & 员工有相同的角色和责任,因此,不是所有的教师 & 员工有相同的T-Claw导航360访问权限. 请与 tclaw@foodboxdelivery.net 有任何关于访问权限的问题.


  • Deans and Chairs role use real-time data on student progress and risk assessment to proactively reach out and get students back on track for timely and successful graduation.
  • Faculty-Advisor role for faculty members who will serve as the Advisor of record by major.
  • General Faculty role for any professor teaching undergraduate students with limited information on students in assigned courses.
  • 教师与进度报告利用率的互动.


  • View a snapshot of critical student information before or during advising appointments.
  • 制定学位计划.
  • 安排学生预约.
  • 跟踪与学生的互动.
  • 获取各种报告以进行干预.
  • 跟踪学生的成功.





同学们,你们遇到麻烦了吗? 你并不孤单. 请参阅下面常见问题的答案.

学生-我如何登录T-Claw导航学生平台? Open
Download the App from your mobile device, open your app store and search for “Navigate Student”.  Once installed, open the app, search for “德克萨斯南方大学" and select. 使用你的大学用户名和密码登录.
学生-使用T-Claw导航360最好的浏览器是什么? Open
EAB建议使用Firefox或Chrome浏览器 T-Claw导航360.
Students-I keep getting an error message saying that there are technical issues. 接下来我该做什么? Open
A quick troubleshooting option is to clear your browser cache and then log in again. 如果问题仍然存在,您可以通过电子邮件寻求帮助 tclaw@foodboxdelivery.net.
学生- T-Claw导航和MyTSU信息的区别是什么? Open
MyTSU保留了学生正式记录的位置. T-Claw导航360每天都会从MyTSU获取数据, 因此,两个程序之间的信息应该是匹配的. T-Claw导航360 includes data from MyTSU that has been analyzed along with data that has been uploaded from faculty and staff regarding students.
同学们——我刚解决了一个Hold,为什么它还在显示? Open
hold在T-Claw导航360中每24小时更新一次, so check back tomorrow to see if it’s successfully been resolved in T-Claw导航. 如果问题仍然存在,请联系 tclaw@foodboxdelivery.net.
学生-我如何报告应用程序的问题? Open
发送电子邮件和支持细节到 tclaw@foodboxdelivery.net 使用标题栏“应用程序问题”.一定要包括:
  • 对问题的清晰和简明的描述.
  • 描述已经发生的事情和你期望发生的事情.
  • 重现问题的步骤(如果可用).
  • 问题的屏幕截图,如果相关的话.
  • 您收到的任何错误消息.
  • 你的移动设备类型(苹果或安卓).
  • 你的学生证号码和托国立的电子邮件 


Faculty & 员工常见问题解答


教师/工作人员-我如何获得访问使用T-Claw导航360? Open

First-time users must complete one or more forms depending on the type of access requested and their employment status at 德克萨斯南方大学.  所需表格请参阅下面的表格表. 联络我们: tclaw@foodboxdelivery.net 寻求帮助.




What do users with this role need to be able to do and see in Navigate (high level)?


哪一组人被分配到这个角色? 分配是自动的吗



• Core advising functionalities for daily       workflow (appointment 调度, 活动, 任命总结)


















•发出警报 & 查看情况


















教师/工作人员——我什么时候使用“给这个学生加备注”vs .“给这个学生加备注”. “谘询报告”? Open
笔记只是贴在学生个人资料上的“便利贴”,供其他人看到. 便签包含约会之外发生的提醒或活动. 任何与预约有关的东西都应该是咨询报告 as it feeds into statistics for the volume of appointments across locations and services. All professional advising areas are expected to prepare for and record advising contacts in T-Claw导航360.
教员/员工-If I want to email a student from T-Claw导航360 and click on "Message Student,是发到他们的TSU邮箱,还是留在T-Claw导航里? Open
发到他们在托国立大学的邮箱. 副本也存储在它们的 T-Claw导航360 档案下的对话和在您的 T-Claw导航360 对话——类似于Outlook中的发送框. If you want a copy in Outlook, you will need to include yourself on the message.
教师/工作人员——我什么时候使用“给这个学生加备注”vs .“给这个学生加备注”. “谘询报告”? Open
笔记只是贴在学生个人资料上的“便利贴”,供其他人看到. 便签包含约会之外发生的提醒或活动. 任何与预约有关的东西都应该是咨询报告 as it feeds into statistics for volume of appointments across locations and services. All professional advising areas are expected to prepare for and record advising contacts in T-Claw导航360.
教师/工作人员-学生会看到笔记吗? Open
Visibility can be checked for the student to see the note by Add a Note on this Student. 默认设置是对查看学生的任何工作人员可见 T-Claw导航360. 用户还可以检查是否将笔记限制为仅限自己. This entry is not advisor documentation, which should be entered under a Report on Advising.
教师/工作人员-我如何找到一个学生的双或连字符的名字? Open
如果学生有两个名字(连字符或两个单独的名字), 您可能希望使用搜索中列出的第一个名字. 它可能是,也可能不是学生使用的主要名称, 但它明确了建议任务.
教师/工作人员- T-Claw导航360何时更新? Open
Updates occur overnight; these might include course changes, 成绩单, 专业变更, 顾问的任务, etc.
教员/员工-Why should students opt-in to the texting feature in T-Claw导航360? Open
辅导员现在可以使用文本作为与学生互动的选项. Additionally, students can receive automatic reminders for appointments via text.
教师/员工-快速搜索和高级搜索的区别是什么? Open
Quick search gives you all students by first or last name and only the last 4 digits of the ID. Advanced search allows you to find students using features of the student profile.
教师/工作人员-我在哪里可以找到学生对我的电子邮件的回复? Open
学生对电子邮件的回复产生于 T-Claw导航360 回到Outlook. 继续进行的对话将保留在Outlook中.
教员/员工-How do I document the advising session if it is all or partially conducted by email? Open
Advising conversations are sometimes accomplished via email or a combination of various means of communication, e.g.,候补,出国留学. 指导教师应该把谈话总结成几句 T-Claw导航360/Report on Advising; the meeting type can be Email. 有些电子邮件对话可能更适合作为注释 T-Claw导航360/给这个学生加一个注释. 可选择“原因”.
教职员工-我应该在T-Claw导航360中复制和粘贴学生的电子邮件吗? Open
避免粘贴整个邮件线程是很重要的 T-Claw导航. 关键评论可以复制并粘贴到 T-Claw导航360 总结报告. 顾问可以在Outlook中为这些交互创建一个文件夹. 该文件夹可以作为保留的记录进行归档和方便地访问.
教职员工-我可以得到我在T-Claw导航360中发送的电子邮件信息的计数吗? Open
中顾问发起的电子邮件消息的计数 T-Claw导航 是否可在顾问报告/摘要中检索.



培训:注册一个即将到来的 训练.

Education Advisory Board (EAB) "学生的成功 Collaborative" provides access to a large research library and best practices for increasing student success. 你可以在 eab.com. 您可能首先需要使用@tsu创建一个帐户.Edu邮箱地址. Contact tclaw@foodboxdelivery.net 如果你在开设账户时遇到困难.


Name Position Phone Email
Dr. 拿俄米Lawrence-Lee 院校评估及规划办公室 & 效率-学术技术总监 713.313.6748 tclaw@foodboxdelivery.net