Frequently Asked Questions

我如何获得大学勤工俭学?  开放
Now that I know that I have been awarded work-study, what should I do next?  开放
Why is work-study not counted toward my tuition balance?  开放
我会得到福利吗??  开放
我在校园里哪里可以工作?  开放
我在校外哪里可以工作?  开放
Can an international student or Non-citizen apply for jobs?  开放
我能挣多少钱?  开放
我的日程安排是什么?  开放
勤工俭学什么时候开始?  开放
Do I need to bring a resume or anything else?  开放
Are taxes taken out of my work-study earning?  开放

For more information, please contact



Office of Student Financial Assistance | 1st Floor Bell Building 

电话:713-313-1258 |邮箱